Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It Is As Plain As Black & White

In 1989 my Nigerian friend Sylvia needed a place to live here in the states while her two year old son had life saving surgery at the University Medical Center in Jackson, MS. Her sister was my neighbor over at 1620 East County line road in Ridgeland, MS. She came to my front door asking if her sister could live with me while her son had surgery. She said that her sister was a Christian and that they were not Christians so she wanted to stay at my home because I went to church weekly.

I agreed to let her come and stay with me and my three oldest children who at that time were all three less than nine years old. Sylvia was the biggest blessing to me ever. She became my very 1st prayer partner and I had no idea that she would deliver her new baby boy while she was living at my house. But her two year old son had surgery and Sylvia's son was born soon after. She went to church with us for about four months. As soon as her son was born within two weeks she flew back home to Nigeria. We remain connected in the spirit forever. I love Sylvia and Sylvia loves me. It didn't matter what color we were. Christ see's no color and neither should we. Please stop the hate! Please stop the protests! Please stop the chaos! Let there be peace!


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