Monday, July 27, 2009

"HOW TO GROW" Fourth of July Kittens

The kittens were born on or around the fourth but I found them on the tenth of July under my blue hydrangea bush that only bloomed two flowers last year and only three blooms this year. Today I found out why...You can't prune a hydrangea anytime other than very early spring or late fall and they are really not supposed to be pruned at all unless it is a very old bush. Mine are only five years old so they are not supposed to be pruned. So this year under the first and only visible bloom on the tenth of July, my blessed cat birthed eight kittens right under the bush on the ground.

She totally ignored the box in the garage by her food. I carefully picked them up and placed them into the box that I had fixed for them. She was raised wild and reared her own self so she is trying to adapt to being a house cat but she still yearns for the woods. And I can tell she feels something is missing if she doesn't have her freedom to roam the woods whenever she feels the urge so I gave up on bathing her. She has almost learned to bathe herself now. But she still misses some places.

Today I noticed that she didn't get behind her ear. When I found her on Easter she reminded me so much of myself upon my return here to Missouri. I was broke in body and spirit and had stopped taking care of myself. Before I left Florida in 2005 I was not even able to stand up in the shower considering what I went through from then until now in July 2009 it is no wonder that the year old abandoned kitten reminded me of myself until she surprised me with eight kittens two months after I found her.

She does bathe the kittens. She is a very good mother kitten. But she still loves to roam. The first kitten "Sadie"(named after my white haired grandmother) opened her eyes on the 21. Then the next day "Meadow Lark Lemon" opened his eyes and the rest followed suit. And I noticed they started hearing me when I would call the mother and it would wake them up. That didn't bother them the first week. On the 24th they were hobbling around on all fours. If the momma cat gets too nervous over the wining of her little ones she just hops in the box and gets right center stage of all her litter.

She doesn't care where they are she will lay down right on top of them. Then I watch them crawl out from under her. I think that is so they will know that she is near and they can be still.

Today my pastor and his wife dropped off some cat food before they left to go to the David Barton Wall builders Washington D.C. tour. Isn't that so nice of my pastor and his wife to think of me when I have only been going there two weeks. I live in a very small town about 30 miles from Walmart and I didn't have a way to get to the store to get the nursing cat any food. God bless my wonderful new pastor and his beautiful wife.

I love my new church! We are doing a class on "HOW TO GROW" from the authors of "BOUNDARIES" and I love the series because it helps you to get the word of God from your heart to your head without even thinking about it.

The book just leads you on a path where it is going to naturally happen if you want to go God's way. You can find out more about that at the site Cloud Townsend Authors of Boundaries

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