Monday, October 28, 2013

22 Years Of Tithing

I've always been a tither.  Even when I began my own ministry in 1995 and then bumped it up to an online ministry too in 2009 I still tithed into other ministries besides my own.  In 2013 my disabled daughter came to live with me and I tithed into my own ministry for the first time since 2009.  Those were the only two times that I sowed into my own ministry rather then some other ministry. Here is a blog post from my other blog that gives a long history of my tithing from way back in 2010 too.

I not only tithe but I've been keeping the Passover offering for over thirteen years as I began in 2000 by keeping the Passover offering.  In 2004 I began to celebrate the Passover feast as well.  And It was about that same time when I began keeping the other two Holy Feast offerings on Pentecost and on the Hebrew New Year Rosh hashana.

And  I sow other seeds throughout the month when I need to target my faith I sow special seeds designated to attract God to intervene in certain areas.

 This is just a little reminder to Satan that he is defeated! The Lord it is who rebukes the devour!

10/01/2013 $86.00 10/08/2013 JBS9DESW JOURNEY COMMUNITY CHURCH     Paid
10/21/2013 $13.79 10/28/2013 PBW9A4AD PASTOR PAULA WHITE Paid
$5.00 10/30/2013 NBV9X4T3 AQUILLA NASH THE Paid
10/25/2013   $5.80 11/01/2013 6BT9R4WE INSPIRATION MINISTRIES Paid
$3.20 11/04/2013 MBE9Y43F PASTOR PAULA WHITE

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