Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011Brennen Fett Burn #Germany #Danke link source: schnell abnehmen tipps, wie kann ich schnell abnehmen, fettverbrennung anregen, fett verbrennen am bauch, nahrungsmittel die fett verbrennen, abnehmen ohne sport, sehr schnell abnehmen, wie kann man schnell abnehmen, tipps zum abnehmen, abnehmen am bauch, fettverrennung ankurbein, richtig abnehmen, gesunde, ernahrung abnehmen, 10 kg abnehmen,, leicht abnehmen, schnell viel abnehmen,, tipps zum schnellen abnehmen, schnell abnehmen sport, fettverbrennung puls, abnebhmen schnell und effektiv, schnell und effektiv abnehr, schnell und naturlich abnehmen, richtig fett verbrennen, welche nahrungsmittel verbrennen, zuause fett verbrennen, fett verbrennen wie, fett verbrennen zu hause, wie fett verbrennen, welches essen verbrennen,

Brennen Fett Burn Fat #Germany #Danke

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Thursday, February 17, 2011


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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kim GerredMy daughter Ashleigh and I wishing my daughter Angel (who we have not seen since 1999) a HAPPY 17th Birthday! WE LOVE YOU FOREVER No Matter What! Come HOME HONEY! NO matter What!Ashleigh Gentry
Lightening Fast Traffic
Happy "17th" Birthday to my Beautiful Daughter ANGEL who has not been seen by any of her family since 1999. WE LOVE YOU ANGEL! COME HOME! Your sister Ashleigh and I think about you Every single day! We MISS You terribly! God Bless You!

Sunday, February 13, 2011 When you purchase anything from any of our affiliate sites you are helping me to send food, aid and clothes to the children in Haiti, Africa, and Guatemala through Pastor Rod Parsley or CBN or Life Today who are just a few of the dozens of ministries that I support on a regular basis each month or annually for years. Pastor Parsley usually gets my monthly contributions that are outside of my tithe that goes to the local church. But I also love to give to the 700 Club or James and Betty Robinson. Thank you!
Church NOW @RickWarren Saddleback Come on and Join In! Guess I should have sent my tithe back to Saddleback this month since I am participating in so many live internet services! Are you tithing to support those who pour Life into you soul? The tithe doesn't belong to anyone but GOD! HE have you everything that you have HE only asks you to give HIM back 10%!
Happy Valentines Day from the modern day Mary Magdeline (now a celibatic life of over 10 yrs.) I have had the most amazing weekend with the Lord! Through David Crowder Band's song "How He Loves Me" and my prayer for God to remind me why I FELL in love with HIM in 1988. It was because I was desperate for the love of a father or a man that I had never had but JESUS gave it all to me PLUS so much More! Like romance, truth, faithfulness, sincerity, deep love, commitment.... HE made me Fall in love with HIM through the Gift of Prophesy operating thru HIS bride (the Church) and speaking love into my live about things that I knew no one but God could ever know! Therefore HE proved HIS existence and HIS love for me in a very dynamic, romantic, and very real way! He is my "Adonai" Lover of my soul! HE is my "Emmanual" God with me!
Happy Valentines Day from the modern day (now a celibatic life of over 10 yrs.) I have had the most amazing weekend with the Lord! Through David Crowder Band's song "How He Loves Me" and my prayer for God to remind me why I FELL in love with HIM in 1988. It was because I was desperate for the love of a father or a man that I had never had but JESUS gave it all to me PLUS so much More! Like romance, truth, faithfulness, sincerity, deep love, commitment.... HE made me Fall in love with HIM through the Gift of Prophesy operating thru HIS bride (the Church) and speaking love into my love about things that I knew!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If you are a Health L.A. in Rep. Bono, Sen. Boxer, or Sen. Feinsteins office then you were sent this document by way of email followed up by a phone call from dear ole "your's truly"
God understands man's need for intimacy...He created you (male & female) that way because HE desires the deepest intimacy with you. HE is the LOVER of Your (male or female) Soul! HE desires to be closer to you (Male or Female) than your very own skin! HE is the most romantic LOVER that I have ever had! HE is really cool too! Like HE can take what I like (something the religious would condemn as secular) and HE uses it (i.e.: a song by a non Christian artist) as a tool to get closer to me! That is a true Valentine!
God understands man's need for intimacy...He created you (male & female) that way because HE desires the deepest intimacy with you. HE is the LOVER of Your (male or female) Soul! HE desires to be closer to you (Male or Female) than your very own skin! HE is the most romantic LOVER that I have ever had! HE is really cool too! Like can take what I like (something the religious would condemn as secular) and HE uses it (i.e.: a song by a non Christian artist) as a tool to get closer to me! That is a true Valentine!
The Womb is a holy place where God changes the world through the act of sex. It is pure, un- defiled, sanctified and Holy...Pro Creation! LIFE! Anything other than that is deception!
Sex brings soul ties that only God can break. One time it took me 15 years to break an unholy soul tie from the guy I was with in college and we were NEVER married. Sex is Holy! You were not meant to be touched by anyone other than your Holy Spouse! GET CLEAN!
Bondages of iniquity are strengthened (no matter how twisted, deceptive or fake) when they surround themselves with like minded behavior (witchcraft, homosexuality, illegal drugs) which in turn breeds more of the same. Get with God!
Marriage is between one man and one women and sex is only Godly and Honorable above reproach when consummated within this male and female relationship. It is not only Holy, it is majestic and world changing!
Marriage is between one man and one women and sex is only Godly and Honorable above reproach when consummated within this male and female relationship. It is not only Holy, it is majestic and world changing!

Monday, February 7, 2011[UNIQID] Please Subscribe to our newsletters and forward them to your friends. Thank you!


With every purchase you make from any of our affiliate links helps to support Highest Order.  Thank you!  Kim Gerred