Friday, August 5, 2011

We Begin (Photos Now Included)

We Begin (Photos Now Included)

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America: Back 2 The Future!

Hi! This is Kim Gerred.

And I want to share with you the issues that are important to me because I believe that they are also important to you!

Kim believes we need public servants who CAN'T be bought, Who will not be brown nosers, who are NOT quitters, who will NOT lie, steal or cheat. And who have a long history of being honest & trust worthy and who have a loyal track record of supporting the issues that are important to us.

Kim Gerred Public Service With A Purpose
Kim is a Conservative Leader who believes passionately that we are to support those things that are also important to God!
Just like being responsible for taking care of the earth that God has given us by using Renewable energy will do such as solar for our homes and businesses, and natural gas for our vehicles, (like they are already doing with the big public transportation systems of Southern California) we will also stand against the violence of abortion and against all abuses of all human rights.
We will seek to bring justice to the Mexican immigrants that have labored here in America and safety for all on and near the border in every state where their has been violence and high crime rates.
We will also promote Pro Life issues and the sanctity of marriage between one man and one women as God teaches us from Exodus 20:14
We also believe that we need to get back to our American Heritage pf honoring the "Ten Commandments" that President George Washington, Daniel Webster and other great men who founded this country
As you can see with all the #hashtag symbols thatKim uses because they are easily traceable on Twitter.
You can follow some of are Tweets here from Kim's main Twitter Account @Gkimi. You can find out about Kim's life and experiences along with Kim's work and campaign history here at Kim Gerred LinkedIn Page.
You can see on the introduction to The Dream that God gave Kim while she slept in a hundred and ten year old building in St. Petersburg, Florida in Nov. '05
We hope to have your support for our #GREEN Campaign Kim Gerred for the #USA in 2012.
Thank you for joining us to help make our nation one that operates mostly on renewable energy such as Solar, Hydro & Wind along with natural gas. And for helping us take America back to the principals that the founding fathers: George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and others like them who believed that we need to honor the "Ten Commandments" by supporting Pro Life Issues and the Sanctitiy of Marriage. And for helping us to secure our borders permanently, and establish the Mexican immigrants that have been working here in America.

Thanks again! Kim Gerred
  • Going Green with Renewable Energies; Solar, Hydro & Wind For Our Homes, & Natural Gas for our vehicles
  • Ending the violence of abortion and Protecting all Human Rights
  • Going Clean By Supporting Life, Sanctity of Marriage, and The Ten Commandments
  • Protecting Our Borders
  • Bringing Justice to our Mexican Immigrants who have worked in America
Our mailing address is: Highest Order C/O Kim Gerred
P.O. BOX 816 Palm Springs, CA. 92263
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