Rick Perry sound like he is an exact echo of George W. Bush which is not a bad thing if he will support the church as much as George W. did. However, America has had enough of these Oil Industry supporters. It is bad enough to have had 1 president who was in the oil business but now to have his shadow come along and echo everything the oil industry wants is too much! It is obvious that Rick Perry is a brown noser who has been bought off by the oil industry to support his political life in the great oil state all these years.
We have had enough brown nosers and shady politicians who say what big money industries want them to say because big money industries are stuffing their pockets full!
GKimi Kim Gerred
30 Service Men Killed while reinforcing troops bit.ly/ohsZLJ My heart is broken for this loss & my prayers R with those who remain!
GKimi Kim Gerred
Can America afford Rick Perry's snake oil? | PARTISANS:bit.ly/pymNqk Let There B m
RichWilkerson rich wilkerson
"Hey YOU wouldn't even b alive if God didn't have another VICTORY waiting for U in your FUTURE"! (via @JoelOsteen) #NightofHopeChicago
GKimi Kim Gerred
Governor Rick Perry's Eminent Domain Over Your Oil Rights:bit.ly/r1w4ka Yet another Oil Industry supporter
u2radiocom U2radio
JoelOsteen Joel Osteen
2011 is going to be a new day of victory in your life. Join us now at #nightofhope LIVE at http://mcn.me/NightofHope
radioreference RadioReference
One of the largest and busiest police departments in the country. Listen to Manhattan NYPD which includes...http://fb.me/Zax15DWY
DrHarfouche Christian Harfouche
GKimi Kim Gerred
Can America afford Rick Perry's snake oil? | PARTISANS:bit.ly/pymNqk Y can't there B more #GREEN Conservatives @Gkimi/eco-friendly
GKimi Kim Gerred
Texas Governor Battles EPA Over Clean Air Act, Permits - TIME: ti.me/ojQMHi What about a #Green #USA Conservative for once already!
GKimi Kim Gerred
Texas Oil and Gas Association PAC Endorses Gov. Perry for Re-election bit.ly/or0YPD Brown Nosers Can Be bought
u2radiocom U2radio
MatthewBarnett Matthew Barnett
If God doesn't remember your sins what gives you the right to remember yours?
RealRodParsley Rod Parsley
How can believers in the USA share compassion, Christ's love and hope with the needy souls of #Sudan? More here:http://ht.ly/5WWgS #BThru
GKimi Kim Gerred
Check this video out -- Texas Governor Blames God For Oil Spill & More youtube.com/watch?v=E_1fyV… Brown Nosers Can Be Bought
VictoriaOsteen Victoria Osteen
RT @RichWilkerson Chicago is rocking tonight with @JoelOsteen & @VictoriaOsteen at #NightofHopehttp://lockerz.com/s/127289062
u2radiocom U2radio
KimiDarlene Kim
Eagle Eye: An American Indian's Insights Santa Writes Letters 2 Ur Little 1s Found Here!: bit.ly/p1skhM My Other Blog
RickWarren Rick Warren
If u follow me on Twitter, I'll follow YOU on LinkedIn if u send me an invitation thru LinkedIn.
GKimi Kim Gerred
Please help me spread the word about this grass roots campaign! Thank you! eepurl.com/e8nCk
GKimi Kim Gerred
Please help me spread the word about this grass roots campaign! Thank you! http://eepurl.com/e8nCk @Gkimi/pro-life-advocate
GKimi Kim Gerred
Please help me spread the word about this grass roots campaign! Thank you! http://eepurl.com/e8nCk @Gkimi/eco-friendly
u2gigs U2gigs
Video of the speech, if anyone is interested. Last of the tour.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH7p8uGr5n4 Hoping one of 40 crops up soon
u2radiocom U2radio
MatthewBarnett Matthew Barnett
"Life is like a carnival...a lot of fun, fellowship, scary rides, and sure a few clowns along the way."
KimiDarlene Kim
One Voice Ministries: The Official Site of Hank and Brenda Kunneman - The Daily Prophecy: ovm.org/the-daily-prop… via @addthis
RickWarren Rick Warren
LIVE NOW ONLINE I'm teaching "Why is Life in this World so Hard? The Invisible War Pt 5 Join me! bit.ly/6sWeNW
u2radiocom U2radio
LisaBevere Lisa Bevere
Generosity is far more than money it is a posture & response to life! You can be rich & stingy & poor & generous!
u2gigs U2gigs
RT @EdgeFest: U2 fans, it is my dream to get #davidhowellevans trending tonight. Please realize it and retweet the heck out of this!!!!
EdgeFest Lori-Jo
U2 fans, it is my dream to get #davidhowellevans trending tonight. Please realize it and retweet the heck out of this!!!!
MatthewBarnett Matthew Barnett
Never say, "Life right now is too good to be true." It should be that good because God is that good!
TommyTenney Tommy Tenney
Amazing handmade card welcoming me to @calvarylifefwc this wknd. Thanx 4 the thought & creativity! #it'sthelittlethingsyfrog.com/kkp62cmj
wwwcampus Saddleback Church
Saddleback online just started & I’m thinking its time for you to try it out http://bit.ly/dqeTzO
JoelOsteen Joel Osteen
Experience an encouraging word in EVERYDAY FAVOR, the new series from Joel Osteen: http://jom.cta.gs/0a5
caseytreat Casey Treat
If we believe in the Cross of Christ and all He did there; we know our weaknesses and failures do not undo what He did.
U2TOURFANS U2 360 Tour Fans
Thank you everyone for following the U2 show streams - Check out our live stream tonight http://owl.li/5R6pt
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