Friday, November 20, 2009

To Stand Or Not To Stand

The Billy Graham Evangelistic is one of the world's finest Christian Foundations that the world has ever had. They demonstrate their faith with their actions of love, mercy and helps to the world every day. Along with declaring the gospel to millions for decades and bringing light to the world. Now the Billy Graham Evangelistic Team has began a new movement "I am a Christian Declaration" and you can sign up for free. It is scriptural to profess your faith and devotion to the LORD!

But it is not necessary to tell more than your friends and associates unless you just want to. To live for HIM is much more important. The Lord says that many will say to HIM "We did eat and drink in thy presence, and thou didst teach in our streets;" He will reply to them "depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you!"

I myself don't like anyone to be excluded ever from something that they belong to. And I do know that there are wonderful Christians in other parts of the world who do not have the privilege to declare their allegiance to the Lord or it could cost them their inheritance, their family name or even their life.

And others I can think of would be better off being sheep in wolves clothing or undercover Christians so to speak like Lance Wallnau who ministers all over the world as a motivational speaker. Doors are open to him that otherwise would be shut if he were to try entry as a preacher who would find no way in.

Just imagine if you had been in a life of secular influence all your life and suddenly you come to faith. But you want to bring others into the faith with you. Should you just become the hands and feet of Jesus doing HIS good deeds like feeding the poor, rescuing the needy and saving the orphans and not ever tell anyone that you have came to the saving knowledge of Christ? Yet still give God all the glory for the blessings in your life.

Or should you risk rejection and tell the world that you are not the same person they grew to love but have came to faith? I think that there is a way that all things can be done according to the scripture but we must use God's wisdom and His Spirit before we step out on the limb. Some of us on the other hand have crossed that barrier years ago and have taken several blows from the enemy because of our stand for righteousness.

I wouldn't want anyone else to have to suffer that way! Hopefully The Ancient of Days is now come and the Kingdom will be given to the Saints of the Most High and we won't have to worry about that ever again!

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